
Exploring Fabric Waterproofing Treatment for the Best Results

Exploring Fabric Waterproofing Treatment for the Best Results

One of the latest innovations in high-performance outdoor fabrics is fabric waterproofing treatment. Water-resistant and waterproof fabrics have become an integral to our daily products, from outdoor jackets, work-wear uniforms, hiking backpacks, and outdoor...
A Checklist of FAQs on Textiles Fabric Protection 

A Checklist of FAQs on Textiles Fabric Protection 

Textile fabric protection is a unique process designed to safeguard textiles and upholstery against potential threats. These include spills, dirt, stains, wear and tear. The protective treatment creates a barrier on the surface of the fabric. The primary objective of...
Is fabric waterproofing treatment something worth considering?

Is fabric waterproofing treatment something worth considering?

Waterproofing is simple: if water on the outer side of the piece of fabric doesn’t get inside, the thing is waterproof, right? Well, yes and no too. There are diverse degrees of waterproofness in outdoor clothing, and here’s why. We all know that the...
Sustainable Fabric for Clothing –Reasons to Choose Them 

Sustainable Fabric for Clothing –Reasons to Choose Them 

Sustainable fabrics for clothing are textiles and materials designed to reduce negative effects caused to the planet. Sustainable fabrics for clothing cause less or no damage to the environment or society throughout the lifestyle of manufacturing, design, and...